The Commission for Thesis and Internship activitiescomposed of prof. Rachele Isticato (Presidente) and Dr. Francesca Raganati, is responsible for the regulation and management of the Thesis and Internship activities.
Prof. Rachele Isticato,, tel. 081679038, office: room 1D-17, Dep. of Biology, University Campus of Monte S. Angelo
Dr. Francesca Raganati,, tel. 0817682218, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Materials and Industrial Production, University Complex of P.zzle Tecchio.
Assignment of the Supervisor for the Thesis activities:
• All students engaged in Thesis activities must have as Supervisor (Tutor)a lecturer in the Degree Courses of the Bachelor's Degree or Master's Degree in Industrial Biotechnology, or a professor of the University Federico II, who holds a course in the degree courses, or similar courses. The Supervisor is assigned by the Commission for Thesis and Internship activities. The Supervisor can be assisted by a Co- Supervisor when proposed.
• In order to facilitate the selection of an interesting topic for the student thesis and adhering to his / her own training path, the student is invited to make independently contact with teachers of the CdS in Industrial Biotechnology. In this case the student is required to complete the Master Thesis Assignment Form, countersigned by the Supervisor, and to deliver it in triplicateto the Commission (Prof. Giovanni Ianniruberto) before starting the activities. Alternatively, using the aforementioned form, the student can ask the Thesis and Internship activities Commission to be assigned to a Supervisor professor.
The student can also carry out thesis activities at non-university structures, recognized and accredited by the University and operating in the scientific filed of interest (the list of accredited structures is available on the University website). In this case, the Commission will support the external (company) Tutor with an internal Supervisor (Tutor of the University), who belongs to the CdS in Industrial Biotechnologies, communicating the name to the student by e-mail.
• In all cases the assignment of the Supervisor(and the external Supervisor if existing) will be attested by the Commission for the Thesis and Internship activities, which provides for the official assignment of the Supervisor(s).
• The above forms are available on the website.
• Thesis activities must take place over a period of not less than one year. They start from the date of official assignment of the Supervisor. Any laboratory activities carried out previously or in the absenceof the official assignment of the supervisor will not be recognizedfor the purpose of the thesis activity.
• In the case of Extra-moenia Thesis, at the beginning of Thesis activity, the student must present to the Commission for the Thesis and Internship Activities a summary of the research projectconcerning the topic of its own Thesis project, using the format provided by the Commission when the application is submitted. The Commission will evaluate the congruence of this topic with the student's training path.
• Thesis activities involve the acquisition of the number of credits indicated in the Teaching Regulations of the CdS in force at the time of student enrollment.
Traineeship activities
• Traineeship activity can be Intra- or Extra-moenia.
• For the Intra-moeniaTraineeship, a Tutor of the Internship activities will be identified. For the extra-moeniaTraineeship, the external tutor (company)must be assisted by a lecturer of the CdS in Industrial Biotechnology assigned by the Commission for the Thesis and Internship Activities (Internal Supervisor), as guarantor of the development and achievement of the training objectives of the Internship.
• The Internship activities can also be carried out atthe same laboratory (facility) where the Thesis activities are carried out,or at another facility, in a joint or separated mannerfrom the Thesis activities. In the case of joint Thesis-Traineeship activity, the Thesis supervisor and the Tutor for the Internship activities can be the same person.
• Depending on the mode, the student is required to complete the Internship Assignment Form or Extra-moenia Internship Assignment Formin which the host organization, the company Tutor and / or the University Tutor (teacher of the CdS) are defined. The Commission for the Thesis and Internship activities can express a negative opinion to the carrying out of internship activities if they do not fulfill the planned training objectives.
• Before starting the internship, students are required to deliver the form to the Commission, which will forward a copy to the Central Office of the University.
• The Internship activities, related to the number of ECTS (CFU) indicated in the Teaching Regulations of the CdS in force at the time of student enrollment, can be developed over a period of 1 year and must be reported in a special register signed by the Company Tutor and / or by the University Tutor.
For the acquisition of the relative CFU for career purposes, the student must deliver the register of internship activities (Internship activities Booklet) to the Student Secretariat (Monte Sant'Angelo University Campus - Via Cinthia 21 - 80126 Naples). Opening: Monday to Friday from 09.00 to 12.00, Tuesday and Thursday also from 14.30 to 16.30 (email: The delivery of the Internship Booklet is mandatory for the registration of the acquired CFU in the terms expected.
Master's Degree Final Exam
The Graduation Commission composed of Proff. Antonio Marzocchella, Daria Monti, Alessandra Pollice), is responsible for organizing the final three-year degree exam.
- A. Marzocchella,, tel. 0817682541, Dip di Ingegneria Chimica, dei Materiali e della Produzione Industriale.
- D. Monti,, tel. 081679150, office: room 2Mb-14, Dept. of Chemical Sciences.
- A. Pollice,, tel. 081679068, office: room 2F33, Dept of Biology, University Campus of Monte S. Angelo.
• The Master's Degree Final Exam consists in the presentation and discussion of a written dissertation (Master's Degree Thesis) which deals with an experimental subject congruent with the field of Industrial Biotechnologies. The thesis consists of a written test in which are presented the premises, the development and the conclusions of an experimental work, from which the contribution of the candidate has to be evident in the various phases of the project. Short instructions for writing the thesis can be downloaded from the web site. Students are encouraged to write the thesis in English, also to favor its diffusion in the international working world. In the case of a thesis written in English, it is mandatory to insert a summary of two pages written in Italian. The Graduating student has 15 minutes for the oral presentation of the thesis project.
• The thesis, drafted in definitive form, must be delivered to the Degree Commission (Prof.ssa Monti, Prof.ssa Pollice or Prof.ssa Piscitelli) at least 15 days before the date set for the graduation session, together with the application to participate in the exams graduation. The title of the thesis must be sent by e-mail to Prof. Alessandra Piscitelli
An electronic copy of the thesis (PDF format) must be sent to the President of the Graduation Commission at least 20 days before the date set for the Master's Degree discussion.
• The composition of the Graduation Exam Commissionswill be announced on the website.
• The graduating students who aspire to achieve the honorsask their Supervisorsfor the assignment of an Examiner. If the Supervisor considers the graduating student deserving of the honors, he submits a request to the Graduation Commissionat least 20 days before the date set for the graduation session. The Graduation Commission will identify the Examiner and communicate the name to the student. The student must contact the Surveyor well in advance to deliver the thesis to him in paper or electronic form. The Examiner has the task to scrupulously evaluate the thesis, to meet the graduating student in order to evaluate his actual maturity and awareness, and finally to critically discuss the experimental work and the results obtained in the degree examination session. The opinion of the Examiner is decisive for the purpose of awarding the honor.
Definition of the Master Degree Mark
The Degree mark is awarded by the Commission for the Master's Degree exams on the basis of: the marks of the exams done during the Master's Degree course, the duration of the studies, the student's career, the quality of the presentation.
The final mark of the Master's Degree Examination, expressed in one hundred and ten, is determined by the Commission using the following guidelines.
The vote will be determined as the sum of following components:
A. weighted average of the profit exams evaluation (expressed in one hundred and ten).
B. from 0 to 2points to be awarded based on speed in the studies (2 points for graduates in time; 1 point for graduates out of 1 year of course; 0 points for graduates out of course for more than a year).
C. from 0 to 6points for the evaluation of thesis / presentation / defense and from 0 to 2points for the academic career. The Bachelor's (triennial) career will be rewarded with a maximum of 2 points. 0.2 points will be awarded to the candidate for each grade obtained for the Degree exceeding 101/110. The honor will be rewarded with 0.2 additional points.
The vote will be expressed by the members of the Commission in writing.
The honors can be awarded to candidates who have passed the exams with a basic average grade (point A):
- higher than 104/110 if they obtain a degree within 1 yearof out of course;
- higher than 106/110 if they obtain a degree within 2 yearsof out of course;
- more than 108/110 if they obtain a degree over 2 yearsof off course.
An Examiner is assigned to the deserving candidates, at the request of the Supervisor.
Once heard the opinion of the Examiner, the award is given by unanimous vote of the Commission (maximum 1 abstention).