Do I have an institutional doctoral email?
After starting the doctorate, each doctoral student is sent the credentials for an electronic mail address (e-mail) and certified electronic mail (PEC) in the @unina.it domain. With these credentials it is possible to access the UNINA services (to the Office365 subscription, to numerous software and to the digital library)
Do I need to be authorized to start experimental activities?
Yes, it is absolutely necessary to be authorized.
To do this you need:
- Take the self-contained 4-hour online course (or produce the certification).
- Take the 12-hour safety course and pass the exam (or produce the certification).
- Undergo the health surveillance visit (the visit is booked by the departmental office at the Department of Public Health - Occupational Medicine) and is normally carried out within a month at the medical clinic on the Monte Sant'Angelo campus; the PhD student is notified via certified e-mail. At the end, authorization to attend the research laboratories is issued.
- Please communicate your possession of one or more of the requirements to the doctoral secretary email address (dottorato.biotecnologie@unina.it).
Those who must follow the 12-hour course will be placed in a class to obtain certification, and in the meantime the health surveillance visit will be booked.
Can I be enrolled to another course of study while I do my doctorate?
Simultaneous enrollment of the doctorate course with another university study course (undergraduate course, specialist degree course, master's degree course, single-cycle master's degree course, and obviously another doctoral course) is prohibited.
Can I take a specialization course, master's course while I do my doctorate?
Although enrollment at master's courses is generally prohibited, there may be exceptions which are examined on a case-by-case basis by the Coordinator.
If I am pregnant, can I carry out doctoral activities?
In case of pregnancy, you must contact the head doctoral office (dottric@unina.it) which will initiate procedures according to current laws. As for all workers, there is a mandatory period of abstention for pregnancy/childbirth/breastfeeding. This period is recovered by the doctoral student at the end of her maternity leave.
Do I have other formal obligations?
By day 5 of the following months: January, March, May, July, September, November, a certificate of attendance (form06), signed by the TUTOR, MUST be prepared and sent to the Doctorate secretary email address (dottorato.biotecnologie@unina.it) .
As a PhD student, do I have insurance?
Yes, all doctoral students are covered by an insurance against accidents wherever they are. Doctoral students are normally authorized to carry out their research activities at all locations of the "Federico II" University.
It is expected that my doctoral project will take place entirely or mostly at a research institution other than the "Federico II" University. How should I do it?
The insurance coverage is valid only if the Doctoral Students have been regularly authorized by the Coordinator (and in some cases by the Teaching Body) to carry out activities at external locations. Those who work in other research institutes (CNR, SZN, Ceinge etc), or have to follow a research period at other institutions, must:
Prepare a request (MOD_richiesta_autorizzazione_lavoro_fuorisede) – addressed to the Coordinator (marco.moracci@unina.it) and, in Cc, to dottorato.biotecnologie@unina.it and signed by the PhD student, by the internal supervisor and by the co-supervisor manager of the facility's laboratory host - requesting authorization to carry out project-related activities there and waiting for the form to be returned signed.
Do doctoral students have to follow teaching activities and courses?
Yes, doctoral students are obliged to attend all planned teaching and research activities (Art 15 c.2, Research Doctorate Disciplinary Regulations).
What courses should I follow? Can I choose the courses to follow?
The Research Doctorate offers 6 to 8 courses organized into multiple modules (lasting 2-4 ECTS) according to the teaching plan approved at the institution.
The remaining hours of the study plan may include courses offered in other Doctorates and other activities deemed useful for the training of Biotechnology Doctorate students.
Doctoral students can design their own educational and cultural path based on the research project, interest, scientific sensitivity and cultural needs among the numerous courses offered and specifically organized by the Doctorate in Biotechnology.
How many courses do I have to follow?
The doctoral student is required to carry out a total of 120 hours of training activities (15 ECTS) foreseen in his/her study plan. At least 40 hours must be completed as part of the courses activated by the Biotechnology Doctorate.
Are there foreign language courses?
The training course also includes language courses - up to advanced levels - English, French, German and Spanish provided by the University Language Centre (CLA).
Attendance is verified by signing attendance for classroom lessons; in the case of lessons held electronically, attendance can be ascertained by the teacher at any time during the remote lesson.
Can I make absences from lessons?
The doctoral student is required to follow his doctoral training course assiduously (usually at least 3/4 of the lessons).
Can courses also be followed to replace the courses required by the doctorate?
Yes, it is possible but the request to replace scheduled courses must be sent in advance to the Coordinator and is subject to approval by the teaching staff.
Obviously, it will be necessary to demonstrate that the alternative courses are functional to the doctoral student's educational-scientific path.
At the end of the course, you must send a form (CERTIFICATE_OF_ATTENDANCE_24, countersigned by the teacher of the course followed) for validation of the course by the teaching body, which will decide the number of actual credits to be validated.
Can I also follow lessons provided as part of master's degrees to replace the courses required by the doctorate?
Yes, it is possible. Obviously, it will be necessary to demonstrate that the lessons have not been attended previously, are functional to the doctoral student's educational-scientific path, and the positive opinion of the doctoral board must be requested by contacting the Coordinator.
Unless there are specific needs of your doctoral project, three-year, master's or specialist degree courses are NOT considered for the purposes of the doctoral student's compulsory teaching activity.
Is it mandatory to participate to the English courses provided by CLA?
It's not mandatory. Since the activities of the Doctorate in Biotechnology are in English, it is strongly recommended to follow the CLA courses if you do not have a level of knowledge of the English language that allows you to carry out the doctorate (minimum B1). To this end, it is necessary to produce a certification issued by a certified body that demonstrates the acquisition of the aforementioned level.
Can doctoral students carry out tutoring activities?
Can doctoral students carry out supplementary teaching activities?
Yes, within the limit of 40 hours during the entire doctoral course.
Can doctoral students carry out third mission activities?
Yes, within the limit of 10 hours during the entire doctoral course.
Can doctoral students carry out paid activities?
It is the responsibility of the Teaching Committee to authorize the doctoral student to carry out paid activities, verifying their compatibility with the fruitful carrying out of the training activities (teaching and research) relating to the course. In particular, it remains understood that, for doctoral students with scholarships, paid activities must be limited to those in any case referable to the acquisition of skills relating to the educational field of the doctorate.
How am I admitted to the following year of the doctorate?
At the end of each year, PhD students are required to submit the list of courses attended and related tests passed; the list of seminars attended; the list of any scientific publications produced; a written report certifying the status of your research project delivered to the Coordinator and the Teaching Board.
Furthermore, PhD students must make a short oral presentation or illustrate a poster (PhD day) in order to verify the progress of the project. At the end of these activities, the Board decides on the admission to the following year.
At the end of the third year, a more extensive written report (10-15 pages) is presented in which the progress of the entire doctoral project is described, with the results obtained. Publications, participation in meetings and conferences, periods of stay away from home and in foreign institutions are also listed.
The end-of-cycle doctoral students hold public oral reports in the presence of the teaching body lasting 20-30 minutes, which will be evaluated for admission to the final exam to obtain the title.
All activities relating to the doctorate (project writing, written and oral reports, final thesis, and final exam) are carried out in English.
Do I have to participate in conferences/summer schools/meetings during the doctoral period?
The participation of doctoral students in at least 2 congresses and conferences (both national and international) is necessary to present the results of the study.
Does the doctoral student have to spend a period abroad during the doctoral course?
The PhD student is normally obliged to spend a period abroad of at least three months at a foreign institution; the doctoral college strongly advises doctoral students to spend a research period of preferably 6 months abroad.
The period abroad can be carried out during the entire three-year doctorate period, even divided into several stays.
Please note that for some doctoral scholarships (e.g. PON, PNRR etc) this period can be extended from 6 to 18 months, based on the project presented.
How can I request the 50% increase in the doctoral scholarship during the period I am abroad?
The increase is a doctoral student's right for up to 12 months of stay abroad. These funds are part of the doctoral scholarship and therefore are not related to the doctoral funds for research activities. To obtain them you must follow the following procedure to be sent to the Coordinator at least one month before leaving (dottorato.biotecnologie@unina.it):
1 – the authorization request – downloadable from here (MOD_stage_estero) which must be signed by the PhD student and the supervisor
2 – the letter of invitation on the host institution's headed paper, signed by the foreign guest, certifying the period of stay (dd/mm/yyyy of start and end).
3 – request authorization to carry out the mission following the methods described in the 'MISSIONS' FAQ.
The Coordinator will finally sign the form and send the documentation to the offices. If no further requests or clarifications are received from the Coordinator, it is tacitly understood that the authorization has been granted without the need for further communication.
In addition, when you are abroad, you must send a monthly e-mail to the Doctorate Office (dottric@unina.it) and, in cc, to the Secretariat of the Doctorate in Biotechnology (dottorato.biotecnologie@unina.it), with a declaration from the foreign tutor certifying that the doctoral student regularly attended the laboratory in that month.
Can I carry out missions, can I go to conferences? Can I carry out research at other laboratories?
Yes, absolutely: the stay at another national institution, or the mission for research purposes (e.g. sampling) must be agreed with the supervisor and the host institution. The Mission regulations can be downloaded here:
It is always necessary to be authorized by the Coordinator who is in charge of the project funds, and by the Director of the Department to which the PhD student belongs as the person who confers the task, completing the mission forms.
In the absence of these authorizations, the PhD student is NOT covered by insurance, cannot be reimbursed, and failure to fulfill obligations may lead to sanctions by the teaching body.
How do I request authorization to carry out a mission?
Before going on a mission (see INFO_compilazione_MOD_mission) it is necessary to fill in the corresponding mission authorization request form from the Department of Biology - and, ONLY IF FUNDS ARE REQUESTED IN ADVANCE, the mission expense advance request form (MOD_autorizzazione-di-missione, MOD_anticipo-spese-missione). If the PhD student does NOT belong to the Department of Biology, the form must also be signed by the Director of the relevant Department as the person conferring the assignment.
The form completed in Word format must be sent to: dottorato.biotecnologie@unina.it and to mariarosaria.esposito@unina.it for the signature of the Coordinator as holder of the project funds and of the Director of the Department of Biology as responsible for the structure.
Please note: the form must be sent in MS word format. For every communication, the following must always be indicated in the subject: Surname, Doctorate and Cycle. The refund occurs only after finishing the mission.
For missions without reimbursement, authorization from the Coordinator is still required for insurance coverage; in this case, send the relevant form (MOD_autorizzazione missione-senza-rimborso). The PhD student will receive a communication only in the event of clarifications or problems to be solved.
What should I do if I have to carry out short periods in laboratories that are not of the University of Naples "Federico II" (e.g. CNR, Zoological Station, etc.)?
Doctoral students are insured against accidents at work even in laboratories that are not of the University, but must be authorized by the Coordinator. Before going to the laboratories, doctoral students must send the form downloadable from here (MOD_richiesta_autorizzazione_lavoro_fuorisede) to the Coordinator (marco.moracci@unina.it) and, in Cc, to dottorato.biotecnologie@unina.it and wait for the form to be returned signed.
Does the doctoral student have funds available for research expenses?
Yes. Doctoral students have a fund to use for research purposes of approximately €5,000, in three tranches of approximately €1,660 per year. These funds can be used to pay for travel for conferences and meetings, missions, purchase of laboratory consumables, and in some cases, subject to authorization, repairs of instruments. Some types of scholarships may have more substantial funding.
How do I order supplies to use for research activities?
After having verified the availability of their funds (the PhD student must fill in and keep a simple summary table of all the expenses made with the residual available funds - table downloadable here (form03) - it is necessary to send it to the Doctorate in Biotechnology PhD email address dottorato.biotecnologie@unina.it an email with the pre-order vouchers and related attachments, filled in in their entirety - the forms and instructions can be downloaded here (Prebuono; Dichiarazione_unicità; Istruzioni_compilazione_PREBUONO). The Secretariat, after the Coordinator's signature, will send the documents to the office administrative for purchasing. To find out the process, the PhD student must contact the purchasing office directly by going to the Department of Biology.
Can I get reimbursement for small expenses related to research activities?
Yes, it is possible to refund receipts for consumables up to €40.00. For reimbursement, the relevant form must be completed (MOD_rimborso-piccole-spese) and sent to: dottorato.biotecnologie@unina.it. After signing, the PhD student will receive the PDF of the signed form, must print it and take it with the original expense receipts to Mr. Fabio Saetta of the Department of Biology (saetta@unina.it, +39 081679229, MSA/Ed.7 /-1F0)
In addition to consumables and missions in Italy and abroad, what can the available funds be used for and what cannot be purchased?
They can be used to pay the publication costs of scientific articles while they cannot be used for equipment, including computers, and other inventoriable material.
How do I get a refund for a mission?
Upon returning from the mission, you must complete the reimbursement form (MOD_rimborso-missione-ITALIA for Italy and MOD_rimborso-missione-ESTERO for abroad) and take it with the original expense receipts to Dr. Maria Rosaria ESPOSITO of the Department of Biology (mariarosaria.esposito@unina.it, +39 081679204, MSA/ Ed.7/-1F05, MSA/Ed.7/-1F0). The PhD student will receive a communication only in the event of clarifications or problems to be solved.
What can be reimbursed when on mission?
Expenses relating to the reasons for the mission are reimbursable (travel, the receipts must be personal, e.g. in the case of a shared double room, the names of the occupants must be specified and will be reimbursed as a quote to each occupant; in the case of food, ask the restaurateur for individual receipts for each diner - possibly with the words "full meal").
Refer to the University Mission Regulations (Link:
Can I get an advance on my funds for a mission?
Yes. Please note that the advance payment for the mission should only be requested in cases where the amount to be paid in advance for travel, conference registration, etc. is reasonably high. This advance can only be requested for amounts exceeding €750. This is to avoid an unnecessary and complex burden on the administrative management of doctoral funds.
The Mission Fund Advance Form (MOD_anticipo-spese-missione) must be completed but in advance, at least one month before departure and must be accompanied by cost estimates for accommodation and travel. The model must be sent according to the methods described in the 'MISSIONS' FAQ.
I am paid with a PON grant, are there any other rules/obligations I need to follow?
Yes, doctorates with PON scholarships have different rights and duties from doctorates paid with University scholarships. The information can be found in the document downloadable here (Guida_dottorati_PON_2022).
I am paid on a PNRR grant, are there any other rules/obligations I need to follow?
Yes, PhDs with PNRR scholarships have different rights and obligations than other PhD students. You will be informed by your supervisor.