- Regulations for Thesis and internship activities
- Internship assignment request form
- Extra-moeniainternship assignment request form
- Master Degree Thesis assignment request form
- Title page format and instructions for Thesis drafting
- Additional forms, including the forms for intra-moenia and extra-moenia internship placement, are available on the University website, by accessing this page.
- Master Degree Exams Schedule
Registration for Master's Degree Exams
The Graduating student must complete the following form:
The student must fill out the form and deliver it to the Student Office, at the University Campus of Monte Sant'Angelo, via Cinzia,on the first 15 days of the month before the exam session.
If the student, after submitting an application, renounces to be graduated in the session for which he/she applied, he/she can can access the next session by presenting a new application.
If the student, after submitting an application, does not graduate in the session for which he has applied, he can apply for a subsequent session.
If the new date is in the same session of the previous one, it is necessary to present a new application for the same session, using this form.
If the new date is in a subsequent session, it is necessary to present a new application for the next session, using this form.
Guidelines for completing the Training Project
1. Print the pages that make up the Training Project and guidance for the training activities double - sided
2. Write in block letters
3. Complete all required fields
4. Produce the document in ORIGINAL in triplicate
Guidelines for completing the Training Project
1. Print the pages that make up the Training Project and guidance for the training activities (double – sided)
2. Write in block letters
3. Complete all required fields
4. Produce the document in ORIGINAL in triplicate